Youth Events
GYSO Concert Information
Typically, all GYSO concerts take place at KSU’s Bailey Performance Center. GYSO students get free access to all GYSO concerts. This free ticket may be obtained by using a special promotional code (distributed directly to GYSO parents) in a separate online ticket transaction. While GYSO students are admitted gratis, parents are required to purchase tickets.
Additionally, GYSO students and families receive discounted tickets to all GSO concerts.

GYSO Concertino, Harmonia, Camerata
Time: Sunday, May 4, 20253:30 pm - 4:30 pm / Dr. Bobbie Bailey & Family Performance Center
Students in the largest youth orchestra program in the southeast, the Georgia Youth Symphony Orchestra perform at KSU's Bailey Performance Center.
Special thanks to The Dr. Bobbie Bailey School of Music and their support of GYSO!

GYSO HSQ, Philharmonic
Time: Sunday, May 4, 20257:30 pm - 8:30 pm / Dr. Bobbie Bailey & Family Performance Center
Students in the largest youth orchestra program in the southeast, the Georgia Youth Symphony Orchestra perform at KSU's Bailey Performance Center.
Special thanks to The Dr. Bobbie Bailey School of Music and their support of GYSO!

GYSO String Symposium, Jazz, Symphony
Time: Sunday, May 11, 20257:30 pm - 8:30 pm / Dr. Bobbie Bailey & Family Performance Center
Students in the largest youth orchestra program in the southeast, the Georgia Youth Symphony Orchestra perform at KSU's Bailey Performance Center.
Special thanks to The Dr. Bobbie Bailey School of Music and their support of GYSO!